How To Deal With the Census

How To Deal With the Census


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Finding Reliable Raw Healthy Farm Raised Grass-Fed Animal Products

Finding Reliable Raw, Healthy,
Farm Raised, Grass-Fed
Animal Product

Being in California I'm one of the the lucky ones, I can find reliable raw animal products. In most of the other parts of the country it's not so easy. But I recently came across the website: Eat Wild. It's a great source to find healthy grass-fed beef and humane, chemical free poultry and dairy farms near you. Remember to call to check that your humane meat is never frozen and 100% grass-fed.

So here's a excerpt for their Grass-fed Basics page:

Back to Pasture. Since the late 1990s, a growing number of ranchers have stopped sending their animals to the feedlots to be fattened on grain, soy and other supplements. Instead, they are keeping their animals home on the range where they forage on pasture, their native diet. These new-age ranchers do not treat their livestock with hormones or feed them growth-promoting additives. As a result, the animals grow at a natural pace. For these reasons and more, grass-fed animals live low-stress lives and are so healthy there is no reason to treat them with antibiotics or other drugs.

More Nutritious. A major benefit of raising animals on pasture is that their products are healthier for you. For example, compared with feedlot meat, meat from grass-fed beef, bison, lamb and goats has less total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories. It also has more vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and a number of health-promoting fats, including omega-3 fatty acids and “conjugated linoleic acid,” or CLA. Read more about the nutritional benefits of raising animals on pasture.

The Art and Science of Grassfarming. Raising animals on pasture requires more knowledge and skill than sending them to a feedlot. For example, in order for grass-fed beef to be succulent and tender, the cattle need to forage on high-quality grasses and legumes, especially in the months prior to slaughter. Providing this nutritious and natural diet requires healthy soil and careful pasture management so that the plants are maintained at an optimal stage of growth. Because high-quality pasture is the key to high-quality animal products, many pasture-based ranchers refer to themselves as "grassfarmers" rather than “ranchers.” They raise great grass; the animals do all the rest.

Factory Farming. Raising animals on pasture is dramatically different from the status quo. Virtually all the meat, eggs, and dairy products that you find in the supermarket come from animals raised in confinement in large facilities called CAFOs or “Confined Animal Feeding Operations.” These highly mechanized operations provide a year-round supply of food at a reasonable price. Although the food is cheap and convenient, there is growing recognition that factory farming creates a host of problems, including:
• Animal stress and abuse
• Air, land, and water pollution
• The unnecessary use of hormones, antibiotics, and other drugs
• Low-paid, stressful farm work
• The loss of small family farms
• Food with less nutritional value.

Unnatural Diets. Animals raised in factory farms are given diets designed to boost their productivity and lower costs. The main ingredients are genetically modified grain and soy that are kept at artificially low prices by government subsidies. To further cut costs, the feed may also contain “by-product feedstuff” such as municipal garbage, stale pastry, chicken feathers, and candy. Until 1997, U.S. cattle were also being fed meat that had been trimmed from other cattle, in effect turning herbivores into carnivores. This unnatural practice is believed to be the underlying cause of BSE or “mad cow disease.”

Animal Stress. A high-grain diet can cause physical problems for ruminants—cud-chewing animals such as cattle, dairy cows, goats, bison, and sheep. Ruminants are designed to eat fibrous grasses, plants, and shrubs—not starchy, low-fiber grain. When they are switched from pasture to grain, they can become afflicted with a number of disorders, including a common but painful condition called “subacute acidosis.” Cattle with subacute acidosis kick at their bellies, go off their feed, and eat dirt. To prevent more serious and sometimes fatal reactions, the animals are given chemical additives along with a constant, low-level dose of antibiotics. Some of these antibiotics are the same ones used in human medicine. When medications are overused in the feedlots, bacteria become resistant to them. When people become infected with these new, disease-resistant bacteria, there are fewer medications available to treat them.

Caged Pigs, Chickens, Ducks and Geese. Most of the nation’s chickens, turkeys, and pigs are also being raised in confinement. Typically, they suffer an even worse fate than the grazing animals. Tightly packed into cages, sheds, or pens, they cannot practice their normal behaviors, such as rooting, grazing, and roosting. Laying hens are crowded into cages that are so small that there is not enough room for all of the birds to sit down at one time. An added insult is that they cannot escape the stench of their own manure. Meat and eggs from these animals are lower in a number of key vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

Environmental Degradation. When animals are raised in feedlots or cages, they deposit large amounts of manure in a small amount of space. The manure must be collected and transported away from the area, an expensive proposition. To cut costs, it is dumped as close to the feedlot as possible. As a result, the surrounding soil is overloaded with nutrients, which can cause ground and water pollution. When animals are raised outdoors on pasture, their manure is spread over a wide area of land, making it a welcome source of organic fertilizer, not a “waste management problem.” Read more about the environmental differences between factory farming and grass-based production.

The Healthiest Choice. When you choose to eat meat, eggs, and dairy products from animals raised on pasture, you are improving the welfare of the animals, helping to put an end to environmental degradation, helping small-scale ranchers and farmers make a living from the land, helping to sustain rural communities, and giving your family the healthiest possible food. It’s a win-win-win-win situation.

© 2007 by Jo Robinson

Explore these topics in greater detail. Read Pasture Perfect by Jo Robinson and continue to explore the wealth of science-based information on To find a local supplier of healthy, grass-fed products, visit

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Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days

Simply Raw:
Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days

This is a great documentary on what a raw food diet can do in just 30 days. Diabetes is just one of the supposedly incurable diseases that I have helped people with the raw food approach. Although in my diet recommendation, I prefer to incorporate a lot more raw animal products and raw saturated fats. Especially if someone needs a more long term solution.

I have found that the raw vegan diet is fantastic, especially compared to the recommended western diet. But over time it has it's pitfalls and limitations, specifically around the 3 year mark. In my experience, the raw vegan diet has amazing detoxification powers, but when it comes to regeneration and lubrication, the raw vegan diet falls short. Lucky about 80% of all chronic disease are linked to some sort of toxic exposure, and that includes supposedly innocuous things like salt, fluoride, sugar, and the antibiotics and hormones in cooked meats. So most will see a dramatic change compared to the their normal diet, but what about the 20% or so that this doesn't cover? That's where the animal proteins and fats come in.

I couldn't fit the video into this post so I put it up on my blog's home page at the top for now. Eventually I'll just move it to the bottom.
To view
Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
To get rid of the advertisement just click the "X" to the upper right corner of that window.

So, I'm sure I'll get a lot of flack from the die hard raw vegans about this, but just leave a comment.


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Arrabiata Recipe - Vegan or Primal, Organic & Fresh!!


I created this Arrabiata recipe with my girlfriend, Katie. We took the model of an Arrabiata from different chefs and restaurants and modified it for our tastes and primal diet. It’s very easy to make it vegan, just skip the raw cream (last, optional step). Also, all the ingredients are fresh, unless you used dried pasta, and it’s a pasta sauce that only takes about an hour to cook (1.5-2 hours with prep)

ALL INGREDIENTS SHOULD BE ORGANIC! (the only exception is hot peppers, which you can't always find organic, but are small crops and usually not GMOs or pesticide heavy)

Feeds 3-4 people, depending on appetites and portion-size

  • coconut oil (approx 2 Tbls)*
  • 1 medium-sized white or yellow onion, chopped
  • 4-5 cloves garlic
  • 1 hot pepper- seeds & all, chopped fine (we like red chili peppers, but jalapeno, habanero or others will work too)
  • 1-2 lbs roma (or other good) tomatoes, diced (fine in food processor if easier but not necessary)
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • fresh basil, chopped
  • fresh oregano, chopped
  • pasta, spaghetti squash, or potatoes
  • optional: raw heavy cream; raw parmesan cheese

We rarely use recipes, so all amounts are estimates. Use your best judgment and modify it each time you make it to suit your tastes. Also, we like to use either a stainless steel (we like our stainless steel wok), cast-iron, ceramic (Le creuset or similar) or glass pots to make this. The non-stick are reported to be toxic, so we avoid using them. You may need to use more coconut oil, but that’s ok. Better to have more healthful oil than toxic pans.

Saute onion and garlic in coconut oil for a few minutes. Add hot pepper. Once onions are just beginning to caramelize, add tomatoes and red-bell pepper. Stir every few minutes. May take about 30mins to an hour to cook down water from tomatoes. About half-way through cooking the sauce, put a large pot of water on the stove to make pasta (if making spaghetti squash, or a baked potato, bake based on size and your preference). Do not put oil or salt in the pasta water. Oil prevents the sauce from absorbing into the pasta. Just mix the pasta consistently when it’s in the simmering water.

Once the sauce has cooked down, add the fresh oregano and basil. But leave some fresh basil to present on the finished dish. Serve over potatoes, squash, or organic pasta of your choice (quinoa pasta has good protein & is gluten-free, rice pasta is also gluten free, but we like to mix wheat & unbleached white pasta because we like the taste/consistency).

After the sauce and pasta are done, mix amount of pasta & sauce that you're going to serve, and separate it into serving bowls. If you want the primal version with raw cream, you must let the pasta/sauce mixture COOL to about 95-100 degrees. You can tell it’s the right temperature because when you stick your finger in it, it will be slightly hotter than your body temperature and it will be no problem for you to leave your finger in the pasta for more than 30 seconds.

Once the pasta/sauce is cooled, add 1-2 tablespoons of cream per person being served. (If you are using squash or potatoes, make sure the sauce, squash or potatoes are cooled the same way - with the 30-second finger test, and mix the cream with the sauce before putting over squash or potatoes.) Salt only to taste. (If you are concerned about salt in your diet, please substitute with some sort of hot sauce or use organic onion powder).

Optional: raw parmesan cheese and/or basil to present the dish.

This is our favorite pasta dish. It's delicious. Just so you know, if you are a raw, primal food person and you’re craving carbs, this is a good dish to satisfy that because it regulates your free radical hormones. But only if you use the cream. Otherwise, the vegan version is just healthy. We hope you enjoy.

*coconut oil - we recommend using coconut oil for cooking because it handles heat well. Coconut, palm, and macadamia oil are the only oils that don’t go rancid at high temperatures, so we use coconut oil as it’s stable at high temperatures.

Let us know how it goes. Please leave comments!!

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Sifu Marcus Lovemore

Arrabiata Recipe - Vegan or Primal, Organic & Fresh!!


I created this Arrabiata recipe with my girlfriend, Katie. We took the model of an Arrabiata from different chefs and restaurants and modified it for our tastes and primal diet. It’s very easy to make it vegan, just skip the raw cream (last, optional step). Also, all the ingredients are fresh, unless you used dried pasta, and it’s a pasta sauce that only takes about an hour to cook (1.5-2 hours with prep)

ALL INGREDIENTS SHOULD BE ORGANIC! (the only exception is hot peppers, which you can't always find organic, but are small crops and usually not GMOs or pesticide heavy)

Feeds 3-4 people, depending on appetites and portion-size

  • coconut oil (approx 2 Tbls)*
  • 1 medium-sized white or yellow onion, chopped
  • 4-5 cloves garlic
  • 1 hot pepper- seeds & all, chopped fine (we like red chili peppers, but jalapeno, habanero or others will work too)
  • 1-2 lbs roma (or other good) tomatoes, diced (fine in food processor if easier but not necessary)
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • fresh basil, chopped
  • fresh oregano, chopped
  • pasta, spaghetti squash, or potatoes
  • optional: raw heavy cream; raw parmesan cheese

We rarely use recipes, so all amounts are estimates. Use your best judgment and modify it each time you make it to suit your tastes. Also, we like to use either a stainless steel (we like our stainless steel wok), cast-iron, ceramic (Le creuset or similar) or glass pots to make this. The non-stick are reported to be toxic, so we avoid using them. You may need to use more coconut oil, but that’s ok. Better to have more healthful oil than toxic pans.

Saute onion and garlic in coconut oil for a few minutes. Add hot pepper. Once onions are just beginning to caramelize, add tomatoes and red-bell pepper. Stir every few minutes. May take about 30mins to an hour to cook down water from tomatoes. About half-way through cooking the sauce, put a large pot of water on the stove to make pasta (if making spaghetti squash, or a baked potato, bake based on size and your preference). Do not put oil or salt in the pasta water. Oil prevents the sauce from absorbing into the pasta. Just mix the pasta consistently when it’s in the simmering water.

Once the sauce has cooked down, add the fresh oregano and basil. But leave some fresh basil to present on the finished dish. Serve over potatoes, squash, or organic pasta of your choice (quinoa pasta has good protein & is gluten-free, rice pasta is also gluten free, but we like to mix wheat & unbleached white pasta because we like the taste/consistency).

After the sauce and pasta are done, mix amount of pasta & sauce that you're going to serve, and separate it into serving bowls. If you want the primal version with raw cream, you must let the pasta/sauce mixture COOL to about 95-100 degrees. You can tell it’s the right temperature because when you stick your finger in it, it will be slightly hotter than your body temperature and it will be no problem for you to leave your finger in the pasta for more than 30 seconds.

Once the pasta/sauce is cooled, add 1-2 tablespoons of cream per person being served. (If you are using squash or potatoes, make sure the sauce, squash or potatoes are cooled the same way - with the 30-second finger test, and mix the cream with the sauce before putting over squash or potatoes.) Salt only to taste. (If you are concerned about salt in your diet, please substitute with some sort of hot sauce or use organic onion powder).

Optional: raw parmesan cheese and/or basil to present the dish.

This is our favorite pasta dish. It's delicious. Just so you know, if you are a raw, primal food person and you’re craving carbs, this is a good dish to satisfy that because it regulates your free radical hormones. But only if you use the cream. Otherwise, the vegan version is just healthy. We hope you enjoy.

*coconut oil - we recommend using coconut oil for cooking because it handles heat well. Coconut, palm, and macadamia oil are the only oils that don’t go rancid at high temperatures, so we use coconut oil as it’s stable at high temperatures.

Let us know how it goes. Please leave comments!!


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