Simply Raw:
Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
This is a great documentary on what a raw food diet can do in just 30 days. Diabetes is just one of the supposedly incurable diseases that I have helped people with the raw food approach. Although in my diet recommendation, I prefer to incorporate a lot more raw animal products and raw saturated fats. Especially if someone needs a more long term solution.
I have found that the raw vegan diet is fantastic, especially compared to the recommended western diet. But over time it has it's pitfalls and limitations, specifically around the 3 year mark. In my experience, the raw vegan diet has amazing detoxification powers, but when it comes to regeneration and lubrication, the raw vegan diet falls short. Lucky about 80% of all chronic disease are linked to some sort of toxic exposure, and that includes supposedly innocuous things like salt, fluoride, sugar, and the antibiotics and hormones in cooked meats. So most will see a dramatic change compared to the their normal diet, but what about the 20% or so that this doesn't cover? That's where the animal proteins and fats come in.
I couldn't fit the video into this post so I put it up on my blog's home page at the top for now. Eventually I'll just move it to the bottom.
So, I'm sure I'll get a lot of flack from the die hard raw vegans about this, but just leave a comment.
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Thank You,
Sifu Marcus Lovemore
I have found that the raw vegan diet is fantastic, especially compared to the recommended western diet. But over time it has it's pitfalls and limitations, specifically around the 3 year mark. In my experience, the raw vegan diet has amazing detoxification powers, but when it comes to regeneration and lubrication, the raw vegan diet falls short. Lucky about 80% of all chronic disease are linked to some sort of toxic exposure, and that includes supposedly innocuous things like salt, fluoride, sugar, and the antibiotics and hormones in cooked meats. So most will see a dramatic change compared to the their normal diet, but what about the 20% or so that this doesn't cover? That's where the animal proteins and fats come in.
I couldn't fit the video into this post so I put it up on my blog's home page at the top for now. Eventually I'll just move it to the bottom.
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Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
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Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
To get rid of the advertisement just click the "X" to the upper right corner of that window.
So, I'm sure I'll get a lot of flack from the die hard raw vegans about this, but just leave a comment.
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Thank You,
Sifu Marcus Lovemore
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