Keep It Simple! You are Infinite But Your Brain Is Not.

Keep It Simple!
You are Infinite But Your Brain Is Not.

Why is it when your day is hectic or you just dealt with the world falling apart and putting it back together when it's exactly when you start making bad decisions in your personal life? You know...You break that diet and eat that food you're not suppose to, or resort to part taking a little too much of whatever you know is not so good for you - for example, that smoke, drink, or even that attitude. Is it you? Do some just have no will power? Will you have this fight with yourself for the rest of your life?

Well, thank God the answer is NO!.. NO... It's not you. NO... You don't have to have this fight with yourself for the rest of your life.

Why?... And more importantly HOW?

Well, first let me describe what is going on here so you can get your mind around it. The best way to do this is, with an example of a famous experiment done by cognitive scientists. The scientists took two groups of people and had them memorize some numbers. The first group were asked to memorize a two digit number and the second group were also asked to memorize a seven digit number. Once both groups where confident that they memorized their numbers, they were told to go have a snack break before they were to recite them again. During the snack break the participants are offered a choice between a large piece of frosted chocolate cake and fruit salad. What the scientists found though, is the group with the seven digit numbers where up to three times more likely to pick the chocolate cake instead of the fruit salad.

What does this mean?
The simple explanation is, without getting too technical... The more you have to think about, the more suggestible and less critical you become.

What scientists have found is that the human brain can only really critically manage 4-9 different variables at one time. Beyond that your lower brain functions take over; basically going toward pleasure or avoiding pain, and definitely not being critical about it. This is why the seven digit people ate more cake, and why you sometimes end up doing some of the crazy things you know you should not. You know... When you woke up in the strange bed with a strange person and asked, "How did I Get here?"
Well, it started earlier that day when you where overwhelmed at work; not when you took that first drink.

"But Sifu! Isn't the mind an infinite thing? If I just accept my true potential I can do anything?" You ask.

Hrmph... This is why I'm not into most western interpretations of this 'New Age Spiritualism'. It's fucking like 5 blind men describing an elephant; no one getting it exactly right, sometimes dangerous, but always confusing.

So, my answer is first - stop reading so many new age books. Secondly - you are in a body. This is your reality. It is, what it is, and only through the realization of that can you even think about the possibility of attaining your "TRUE POTENTIAL". If your mind was that infinite right now wouldn't your life and relationships be different; wouldn't everything just be easy? But at the very least, if your mind was that infinite you would at least never forget where your keys were... Right? So until then, let's assume that there are some distinct parameters in which the way the brain works.

So what to do?

There are always more things to do, and if the more things you have to decide, the more suggestible you get, it will always be hard not to eat the metaphorical cake instead of the healthy fruit salad?

You don't have to eat the cake, if you you can just change one thing...

Keep It Simple!

That's right, Keep It Simple... When you can keep from contemplating more that 4 thing at any one time, you are not so tempted to resist or ignore other brain functions because you already have to much to contemplate, and then just go on autopilot (eat, fuck, shit, and sleep). That also means don't schedule more that 4 things a day. Ya, I know... You think you'll get nothing done. Ha! Like you are getting a lot done now.

You know the saying, "Work less, do more"? This is how it's done. It's about focus not load. In fact it is a reality of brain function. We humans are terrible at multitasking.

Respect who you are, it will give you more access to the freedom to do what you want....

Keep It Simple!

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Thank You,
Sifu Marcus Lovemore

1 comment:

  1. That explains why when I schedule other work into my lunch break, I always crash at the end of the day - even if I'm not hungry. It explains why I drink coffee.


    Thanks, Sifu!



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