We all get guidance… we are receptors of data, feelings, hunches, and intuition. It’s great when we know something. Most of us have been working to trust this guidance… trust our higher self. Some people literary hear this guidance and for others… it is much more subtle.
The question then becomes -- is our higher self always right?
Yes and no.
It is right, now - in this moment, but depending on your choices from that moment on, the outcome can change.
You have the choice to do whatever you want, guidance or not. We all receive guidance in order to make a choice. Guidance is not LAW; it is guidance… there to direct us… the guidance is the pathway not the destination or outcome. Guidance is not GOD; it is you expressing God. Guidance is also relative to the question that was asked… when we ask a different question, we get a different answer. In fact, most of us sabotage ourselves by asking loaded questions that are sometimes negative and set up for disappointment or to reinforce our judgment of self. Like if you asked your higher self, "Will I get raise at work?" And the immediate answer is "No." A common reaction can be, “See my life sucks, I never get what I want, and nothing ever works out!”
But, what if you just started this job a week ago? Of course you are not going to get a raise right this moment. But does this mean you will never get a raise? Should quit because there is no future there?
No, absolutely not. It just means you are not going to get a raise RIGHT NOW. If you ask, "How can I a get a raise a soon as possible?" or “What needs to happen for me to get a raise in two weeks?”… you would get a whole lot of different answers.
This is how we manipulates our higher self and set our selves up to fail… by asking loaded questions that the answers reinforce the status quo and confirms our own self-doubt.
The key here is how you ask the question… less "yes or no" and more "how to questions". But at the end of the day, it is our choices that decide our future and nothing else.
It is not Guidance vs. Choice… it is Guidance and Choice.
There are no absolutes, all things change. What is true today can be false tomorrow; it depends on the current choice.
Remember nothing is impossible in an infinite Universe. If you want it, you can have it. The only question is: who are you willing to BE to get it?
“Be, Do, Have…” is a favorite mantra here at Unreasonable Happiness .
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Thank You,
Sifu Marcus Lovemore
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