Direction, Goals, and Hitting A Bulls-Eye with Your Life

Direction, Goals,
Hitting A Bulls-Eye
Your Life

One of the most common question I get is, "Sifu, How do I make what I want happen?" Well... What I usually say is, "It's much harder to hit your target, much less the bulls-eye, if you have no idea where that target is." And like usual the reply is,"Huh?"

Ok, it's like this... Let's assume you kinda know what you want, and if you don't, take a look at my post: 'Writing Down Your Goals and Getting Want You Want...' So, from there, just for a moment let's imagine your goal is a target, a target for you life. This target can be big, small, inconsequential, or very important, but a target none the less. And just like everyone else all you want is to get somewhere near this target and if you are lucky every once in a while you hit the bulls-eye. But that just doesn't seem to happen very often, hitting the bulls-eye or even the target most of the time.

So the question arises,"What's up? All that energy and planning and I'm nowhere nearer to my target!" Then generally everyone starts blaming the target, or the darts, or even the concept of making a target in the first place. You come to the conclusion that it's all shit, and useless, right?


The problem I usually see is, with how most people hit the target, NOT the target itself. And let me tell you I'm just as guilty of this as anyone. This is what is usually going on... We all have some sort of target, far away, close, big, or small, whatever... A target. But here's the rub, We are under the illusion that we kinda know where the target is or if we look at it every once in a while we can hit it. Think about this... If you actually tried this in the real world...

Imagine you're in a bar playing darts and you see the dart board on the wall, you aim once, look away, and start throwing. Would you hit any bulls-eyes? Would you even get anywhere near the dart board? Well, maybe the first shot would, but what about the fiftieth? Whoa! Your friends better take cover. And if we take this little story even further, instead of just taking one look at the dart board, you close your eyes and say,"God... if it was meant to be, let this once be the one. Guide my hand with my eyes closed. I trust you. So pleease let me make this one!" And then you let it fly... WITH YOUR FUCKING EYES CLOSED! But the insanity is, that when you open your eyes and you've hit nowhere near the board you're actually disappointed with the outcome.

This is when the blaming starts, and you start saying to yourself, "There must be something wrong with my darts!"- "The target is in the wrong place."- "I'm too far away."- "It's too far away."- "I didn't really try." -"Something was in my way"- " I suck! I can't do this! I'll never be able to do this."

The crazy part is for fuck's sake all you would have to do is open your fucking eyes and aim!

This is what I find most of us are doing and why most of us feel we are having a hard time getting what we want and attaining our goals. All we have to do is keep our eyes on the target and we will naturally land somewhere around the bulls-eye eventually. But keep in mind, just like darts, the more you practice everyday the faster you will easily hit your mark.

It's about keeping your eyes open and consistency, not intensity.

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Sifu Marcus Lovemore


  1. Great post! I was about to ask how "letting go of attachment" is different from focusing on the target, and wouldn't you know...

    Focus and deliberate action are in the moment. Looking for the benefits of action are in the past and the future. Attachment is "why." Watching the dart board is what you do if you like playing darts. Hitting the bullseye isn't even the point - but that's what will happen.

    Of course, the question of what in the world Unreasonably Happy Sifus are doing hanging out in cheesy sports bars remains unanswered!



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