GBN episode #13
The Secret to Always Making The Right Decision… Listening to Yourself!
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Thank You,
Sifu Marcus Lovemore
Show Decsciption:
What if you always knew the right decision and there was certainty to all your choices? Have you ever wondered why bad things happen and how to avoid them? Is there such a thing as fate? Or why are some people lucky? Well you will find out the answers to all of these questions and a little bit more in the next Get Better Now show. In this episode you will unravel the secret meaning of that little voice in your head and more importantly, learn the difference between the good and the bad voice. So listen to the next Get Better Now!... Living Mastery and get rid of your confusion. Want the code to put this episode on your website, blog or just download for Podcast? Click Here!
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Then pay it forward. Help my Scholarship Students with there tuition and allow me to create more of my Free Programs and Shows for everyone. How? Check out my Gift Shop and pick up an inspirational T-shirt, mug, or button, or just click below to just Donate, any amount is greatly appreciated and it all goes to a good cause.
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Thank You,
Sifu Marcus Lovemore
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