One of the many things I am very thankful for is the freedom my upbringing afforded me. Specifically I'm talking about the parenting style of my father.
After having six kids with his first wife he married my mom and they had me, an only child, kinda. What this meant was that he had quite a lot of child rearing experience, good and bad. Because of this he found out a solution to the primary concerns new and expecting parents have:
- How does one prepare their child for the world?
- How are you supposed to make sure your kid is ready?
- What kind of preparation is best?
- How much is too much?
- How much is too little?
The solution my dad found is as hard for new parent to accept as it is simple.
Leave your kids alone, they're fine. This doesn't mean actually leave them alone, but to leave them to their own devices. They don't need any life lessons or instructions. All they need is love, support, and the security that you will always be there. Everything else is just smothering, and definitely counterproductive.
Leave your kids alone, they're fine. This doesn't mean actually leave them alone, but to leave them to their own devices. They don't need any life lessons or instructions. All they need is love, support, and the security that you will always be there. Everything else is just smothering, and definitely counterproductive.
All that toddler education crap that all the parents buy is actually, how do I put this, just crap.
But most people won't believe me or my dad, so I got this clip from Nightline that confirms what my Dad knows and I am so thankful for.
Thanks Dad,
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Sifu Marcus Lovemore
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